One Way Ticket No More: Shaping the Future of the Western Balkans with Concrete Ideas.

We are committed to:

  • implementing concrete projects on socio-political issues that contribute to strengthening democracy, the rule of law, diversity and peaceful dialogue in the societies of the Western Balkans.
  • strengthening cross-border dialogue, especially among young people, between the societies of the Western Balkans and removing obstacles to it 
  • strengthening and improving information about the European idea and the accession perspectives of the Western Balkan countries to the European Union
  • promoting intercultural competence, learning to see with "the eyes of the other"
  • strengthening and developing educational institutions to enable active and self-determined political dialogue, to promote the democratic future and democratic ways of our societies in a peaceful Europe
  • promoting pluralism in our societies
  • offering a differentiated and multi-perspective approach to memory and dealing with history.

Who we are

The group "One Way Ticket No More" consists of young citizens from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, and Serbia , who have been working in a regular weekly online working group on concrete socio-political issues related to the development of the Western Balkan countries since 2020. The project is implemented by crossborder factory and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office.

About the origin of the group

The group of young citizens has been meeting since May 2020, initially to present a contribution to the international conference: "Young People, Migration, and the Demographic Challenge in the Western Balkans" in October 2020 from the perspective of young citizens (for the result see projects here on the website).

Ongoing activities

Subsequently, the group decided to continue working and to develop concrete and pragmatic implementation proposals for selected thematic areas.

Concrete projects

Currently, one working group is dealing with the question of how political youth and adult education can be strengthened through the concrete establishment of educational institutions in the countries of theWestern Balkans. Our second working group topic concerns the strengthening of regional mobility and regional cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans. More precisely, this group is tackling the questions of what does regional cooperation mean, why is cross-border mobility so important, especially for young people, and what obstacles and difficulties are young people facing on this road? At present, the group is preparing a campaign aimed especially at young citizens to promote the importance of regional cooperation and mobility between the countries of the Western Balkans (see projects).

If you want to actively participate in the group "One Way Ticket No More", have concrete ideas and the willingness for at least one weekly online meeting, you are very welcome to join. Contact for more information.